How long have you worked for Metrail? And what has been your career path within the company up to MD?
Metrail Construction was established as a start-up in 2007 to provide repair and maintenance services in the infrastructure sector. As Chief Operating Officer, I took on the day to day responsibility for winning and executing contracts.
In 2011, I became Managing Director and 100% owner of Metrail Construction with a strategy to grow the business into a major player in the sector providing concrete repair, bridge deck waterproofing, bridge deck expansion joints, and tunnel grouting services.
Metrail Construction is now recognised as one of the leading specialist contractors in the sector with an excellent track record working with tier one contractors for London Underground, NetworkRail and Highways England
Before Metrail, what did you do?
Over the last 20 years, I have built up my experience in all aspects of the business with particular hands-on experience in bridge deck waterproofing.
I started work with Foster Wheeler in 1986 then joined Colebrands in 1995 to work on framework contracts with London Underground to maintain the ageing tunnel infrastructure.
I later moved to Volker Laser in 1997 where I learned my waterproofing skills utilising Stirling Lloyd products (Stirling Lloyd is now GCP Applied Technologies). In 2000 I became Operation Director for Renovo responsible for infrastructure repair on LUL. For a period, I was MD of New ISG before establishing Metrail in 2007.
I am personally committed to ensuring the highest standards of Health and Safety in Metrail and the company has Link-up registration and Sentinel.
What’s your proudest achievement within Metrail to date?
I took over full control of Metrail in 2011 and am particularly proud of what has been achieved by the business since then and the growth that has been achieved.
As in all businesses, there have been ups and downs but Metrail continues to go from strength to strength as a leading specialist in the market.
What are the key areas that have made Metrail succeed as a business?
As a specialist contractor, customers rely heavily on the Metrail capability to deliver on time and on a budget so that the overall contract programme is maintained. Metrail has always been prepared to go the extra mile to ensure customer satisfaction.
Having a core team of experienced personnel on site and in the office is a key driver for success. Training and skills accreditation plays an important role in the business to ensure safe working practices and quality workmanship.
What do you see as the biggest challenges facing your industry sector?
The budget for infrastructure maintenance in the UK runs into billions of pounds annually and with the current pressure on government budgets, the challenge for the industry is to be as efficient as possible, making use of technology and innovative construction techniques to reduce costs and cut time on site.
The greatest challenge for Metrail Construction is to maintain growth in an era of tight credit control. The collapse of Carillion and the danger signals emanating from other large contractors have a serious knock-on effect on funders which impacts on cash flow for smaller contractors.
Where do you see the business going in the future and what do you want to achieve?
This is an exciting time for Metrail. Notwithstanding the significant challenges faced by the industry, the order book is growing and the reputation of Metrail as a quality specialist contractor is growing steadily.
The recent award of the concrete repair and waterproofing contract on the refurbishment of Tinsley Viaduct on the M6 near Sheffield is a case in point.
We are looking for continued strategic growth for Metrail for many years to come.
What are your interests & passions outside work?
I am very much a family man. My wife Nadia and I have a family of three girls which keeps me busy when I am not growing Metrail!
Many years ago I was a keen amateur boxer but these days I enjoy motorcycling and looking after my home and garden in the Sussex countryside.