Utilising an eight-week closure that allowed Metrail access to the M62 JCT29 Lofthouse Interchange’s four bridges, we employed a joint planer rather than hand breakers, Eliminator waterproofing, fast-setting R2 and R4 materials, and two different types of joints – Permatrack Type 2 and EMR Type 6 – to replace waterproofing and the interchange’s 20 bridge joints.

  • Challenge
  • Solution approach
  • Technology

  • Execution

  • Result

The challenge

At each stage of the project we faced significant
additional challenges to overcome:

  • Levelling concrete and shot blasting steel to prepare the deck ends
  • Removal of gullies
  • Testing for lead content of paintwork
  • Additional hydrodemolition requiring additional concreting and curing windows

These additional works not only compressed the programme significantly but also removed any contingencies that we had built into the programme. The programme was also complex and restrictions brought about by the Covid-19 pandemic made coordination of the works even more challenging.

Facts & Figures

Summer 2020

M62 JCT29 Lofthouse Interchange

Joint replacement and waterproofing

Solution Approach

With the works originally programmed for 12 weeks, our Early Contractor Involvement (ECI) focused on how the programme could be shortened in order to reduce the impact on road users. Revised programme duration agreed upon by all parties: 8 weeks.

Technology & Execution

Metrail’s specialist works included:

  • Removal of EMR rails and joint plates
  • Deck scrape
  • Fine milling and enclosed blasting
  • Metaset concrete repairs (R2)
  • Concrete repairs (R4)
  • Permatrack Type 2 joint installation
  • EMR Type 6 joint installation
  • Application of Eliminator waterproofing
  • Adhesion and holiday testing

When it comes to the joint repair works:rather than employing hand breakers, using a joint planer significantly reduced the time taken and lowered the HAVS risk for the operatives. We also used Permatrack High Modulus Type 2 joints which were supplied direct from the factory with the additional benefit of greater quality control from a factory produced mix.


The M62 JCT29 Lofthouse Interchange joint replacement and waterproofing project was a complex one and Metrail’s element of the works were highly specialist. We overcame significant challenges at each stage of the project, and we’re pleased to report that we increased our productivity significantly through the use of innovative techniques in order to avoid delays to the overall programme as well as avoid additional disruption to the public.

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